Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

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  • GCNirvana007
    08-20 07:32 AM
    Good question. I was wondering that too. Though I have taken an appointment for Monday 8/24.

    Have a weird feeling, all 2004 will be cleared this time. We deserve it the most in EB2 and its been so unjustful for us.

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  • Rory McIlroy wins US Open 2011

  • rxk2303
    08-09 02:52 AM
    I am really sorry about your situation. While, it is true that there is a lot under USCIS' adjudicator's control, we need to give it our best try and exhaust our options before we give up. I think that being Indian, IT and skilled (I am all 3 !) does not have that much of a bearing on one's life situations and connection to green card being approved. Case in point : I went through a rough time myself (see beginning of the thread) and even paid the price (divorce, heartbroken) for taking a chance. However, everyones situation is unique.

    If you can post details of your case, then someone from here is sure to be able to give you some guidance. One last piece of advice, there is no substitute for a damn good lawyer who can get you the results. It might not come cheap though. There are instances of people having accrued unlawful stays beyond 1 year and lawyers having gotten them their EB based green cards later through CP using tricks such as waivers etc.

    Where there's a will, there's a way.

    1).I came to USA on L1-B in 2003 October and the I-94 was till september-2006.
    2). Then i changed my Visa to H1-B in 2005.
    3). I was asking my employer to file for change of status from L-1 to H-1.
    4). Those guys filed for a new H-1 and sent it to a consulate in India.
    5). I was not aware of this and i thought i am legal till september the expiration date on my Visa.
    6). Labor got cleared in July-2007.
    7). Thought i would file for I-140 and I-485 together and found out that my I-94 was expired since September-2006.

    What is the best course of action here to remedy my situation??
    Any advice or details of a great Immigration lawyer who dealth with such cases before would be of great help.

    Thanks in Advance !!

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  • number30
    05-11 01:28 PM
    'end of discrimination based on country of birth i.e. .

    You can call this also as jealous. There are too many people from the other countries will have to wait because not having people to mass migrate to US. Arguments can be made in way. So be sympathetic. Your issue may not an issue for me. Do not call it as jealous

    What they are saying not jealous. According INA priority date in case substitution is the day I-140 is applied. Somehow the original labor date was assigned as priority date . This might be an error but is causing problems and Inconvenience and injustice to some innocent people. You can call it as jealousy. That is alright but they have an issue which they need to fight. However small number may be it can benefit these guys.
    If you do not support them that is OK. The moment you start using the word jealous, anti-immigrant etc. it stops the discussion.

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  • qasleuth
    02-25 03:49 PM
    Dear friends: Thank you all for the wonderful support and willingness to work for this. We need to convert our word to action in the coming days, if IV CORE has a positive feasibility analysis result.

    "Nothing preaches better than the act."
    ~ Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790, American Scientist, Publisher, Diplomat)

    So all of you who support this, please think in terms of how you can convert your verbal support into action in some way, in the coming days.

    Regarding a HIGH VISIBILITY Campaign

    "Sometimes a scalpel is better than a sword"

    My opinion: Personally, I am against high visibility campaign for an admin fix. We do not need too much visibilty for an admin fix unlike a legislative fix. In the case of admin fix, we need to focus on those few who can positively act on our request. In this case, those might be Hillary Clinton, Janet Napolitano, USCIS acting director etc. In the case of an admin fix a highly talented, politically skilled, IV delegation should work as the front end of this effort. While all others in the community should raise funds to support this delegation and their activities. We can form regional groups to raise funds on behalf of IV. Many of you can do that. Form groups of 5 at each region and try to arrange an Indian/Chinese movie show in your local theatre for raising funds. You can come up with better ideas than this for raising funds. This is just an idea came to my mind from my limited knowledge.

    Totally agree. We should refrain from flamboyant campaigs especially in this environment and request IV delegation to act as our front. Lets raise some serious funds. I can campaign in my place of work amongst I 485 applicants and see what I can do.


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  • chanduv23
    12-03 11:55 AM
    It is always advisable to take an Immigration Attorney with you during an AOS interview. Attorneys usually fill in when you pause or are uncertain. Thanks for sharing this information - looks like this is a very generic interview.
    The most important question was - to know if your educational qualification is good enough for the job and all other questions were just fillers.

    Congrats - hope you get ur GC soon :)

    We had our AOS interview this week at LA USCIS office. We are EB2-I, PD 02/06, Filed 08/07, RD 10/07, I-140 approved 12/06. Reason for interview was a double failure to get clear FPs for spouse. This necessitates a police clearance certificate from the city of residence and upon our lawyer's advise, we went armed with two of these, one from each of the two cities we have lived in during the 5 previous years.

    Getting a Police Clearance Certificate entails just going and requesting it at their counter. Their charges are reasonable ($11 and $19.50 for us) and in one case we got it after a few minutes of wait and in the other, had to return the next day to collect it.

    We reached a couple of minutes late at the mapped location of the USCIS building, courtesy our unfamiliarity with downtown areas including LA and terrible freeway traffic. I dropped off my spouse and kid at a building which had bold signs saying "Passport", "Immigration" and like (on our right as we went on Los Angeles St from Aliso St to Temple St). I went to find a parking space meanwhile. Just as I was returning from an uncomfortably long circuitous tour of the area, I got a call from my spouse telling me that that building was not the right one. Our GPS had finished guidance just at that particular crossing (Los Angeles St and Temple St) btw. Through some good people there, we got a clue about the long lines in a nearby building (diagonally across), which is where I dropped them off then and again went on a parking hunt. I wish I had also carried a map printout of this area.

    I managed to find a parking some 6 blocks away and was walking back with some bags which is when my spouse called to say that this was indeed the right building and gave me further directions.

    I sprinted across a narrow side street when it was bereft of traffic even though the pedestrian light was unfavorable. This act of mine earned me a citation from a peace officer obviously watching from a hiding place for people who are more used to pedestrian crossings with buttons. Here I was just not sure as to when to expect the light to turn in my favor, with obvious thoughts of the delay playing on my mind. Thankfully, I still reached upstairs well before our names were called.

    The security at the downstairs entrance was airport-like except that they did not ask me to take my shoes off. They allowed me everything I was carrying including my cellphone and laptop.

    I duly reached the waiting room upstairs and found my family. By this time, my spouse had already submitted the interview notices to the personnel there. Our lawyer had advised us to stick a note therewith saying that all of us are a family and should therefore be seen together. We forgot this but my spouse mentioned this verbally. This had the desired effect, thankfully.

    After a wait of about 2 hours, we were called up and went inside to an IO's office. I do have to mention here that the security officer outside was very nice and friendly.

    The IO was courteous and asked us to take an oath of truth before we sat down. She asked us if we had our attorney with us. Since we did not, she made us sign a waiver saying that we did not object to being interviewed sans our attorney. She then proceeded to ask us for our government-issued IDs. We handed her our Indian passports and California DLs. She went through our applications and asked us simple questions like:

    ..What is your child's name?
    ..How old is your child? (two separate times from each of us)
    ..What is your child's DOB?
    ..What is your home address? (two separate times from each of us)
    ..What is your home phone number? (two separate times from each of us)
    ..What do you do for your employer? Describe.
    ..Does your job require you to have the educational qualification that you have? Why?
    ..What is your father's full name?
    ..What is your mothers full name?
    ..What is your DOB?
    ..When does your H1B visa expire?
    ..When did you last enter the US? (It helped us tremendously that we had a prepared note of our arrival-departure record)

    The IO then took out the original I-94s from our passports and stapled them to our files. She then observed that both of us were on H1B and had had I-140s from our respective employers. She said that the other I-140 process (which is pending btw) could not be kept alive while the beneficiary was getting their AOS as a dependent on their spouse's process. She had us write a letter requesting withdrawal of that I-140 process, which she said she will keep on hold till we got our immigrant visas.

    Some documents that she asked for copies of from us for included paystubs from 3 previous months, letter of employment verification from our employers, university degrees (or diplomas as she called them), our and our kid's birth certificates and our marriage certificate. We voluntarily put our mortgage statements on the table which she did not take more than a cursory glance at.

    She did not ask us for our tax returns, joint photographs or university transcripts. However, it is always better to have these around, imho.

    We were missing some documents, so she permitted us to go out for a couple of hours to get their copies and grab some lunch. She handed us a signed form which she instructed us to show the security personnel for them to either let us in or to drop off the document copies for her. In this case, she did see us again even though we were delayed by an extra 20 minutes.

    The IO then let us know that all processing was done from our side and all that we needed to do was to wait for our priority date to become current, which is when the USCIS would allot us the immigrant visas. We could also, if we so wished, make an inquiry with the USCIS once our date became current, she said.

    She then returned us all our originals (I wish I had made a checklist of these for my ease). Courtesy a wonderful post on IV by gimme_GC2006, I remembered to ask the IO for our original I-94s. She asked us if we intended traveling before we got our green cards. I replied that we had no existing plans but that this was probably the only time we were getting to meet her. She smiled at that and gave us back our I-94s after making copies for herself. I requested a copy from her of the letter for I-140 withdrawal and she obliged.

    That was it. She wished us good luck and we thanked her. The security officer outside was once again his pleasant self and we walked out feeling elated.

    I have some useful information for folks who go to the USCIS office on 300 N Los Angeles St in LA. If you take the Los Angeles St exit from US-101, you will cross Aliso St followed by Temple St. This USCIS building is the one on your left side as you go from Aliso to Temple. There is an underground parking for LA mall bang opposite the USCIS building before you hit Temple St. After you pass Aliso, turn to your right into this parking. You can take the escalator up later and then cross Los Angeles St on foot to reach USCIS. I advise to not disregard the pedestrian lights in this area as police officers aggressively monitor and cite jaywalkers here.

    If the LA parking lot is full, continue on Los Angeles St past Temple and turn left on to First St. Keep going for about a quarter mile and you will find parking on your right. This place is $6.00 for the day. Unfortunately I forgot the cross street here but if you hit Alameda St on First St, you have gone too far. From Google maps, it appears that that cross street is Central Ave. You will see large parking signs as you approach this decrepit unkempt street-level parking yard. There is another parking option which you would prefer over this.

    Go from Aliso toward Temple on Los Angeles St. Turn left on Temple and you will find this $8.00 parking immediately past San Pedro St. If you find this lot full, go on down to Alameda St, turn right and then right again on First St to find the $6.00 parking lot.

    If you need help with documents, there is a post office store which even does photographs, in the LA mall across from the USCIS building. If you need internet access, your best bets are Fedex Kinko's and Office Depot on the crossing of Second St and Central Ave. Kinko's is on the NW corner and Office Depot is on the NE corner. Office Depot has a Starbucks next to it. Parking at Office Depot is decent and free with validation. Office Depot will give you free wifi but they do not broadcast their SSID and I do not feel it ethical to disclose it here. Just go talk to them if you need it. It is slow though, like 11 Mbps. Office Depot will accept emailed docs from you to print right away and also will accept faxes for you. It is a very hospitable place for someone who gets nightmares in downtown areas.

    You can find some passable eating joints in the LA mall area across from USCIS building.

    Hope this post comes in handy for people. Good luck folks.

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  • pappu
    03-09 01:10 PM
    I made the contribution before I logged into IV. I guess thats the reason my status doesnt show up as 'donor'. Any way to fix it?
    We have your email from paypal .
    Later we will cross reference by matching your email id and assign your id to the donor list.


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  • masala dosa
    04-12 05:19 PM
    Can the members get a sanitized version of the highy skilled IV members stories?

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  • Rory McIlroy (Getty Images)

  • krupa
    05-11 04:54 AM
    Those who came between 2000 and 2005 are not getting GC approved , because of some loop holes , those who came in 2007 are getting 485 approved. Is it not unjustince to people who applied earlier? This issue is not similar from EB3 to EB2 etc.
    I hope IV will bring this to the notice of USCIS ASAP.

    When did you come to US my friend ? did you ever were in the posts and discussions that went through all the years reg SUBS ? Atleast search on internet you will see whether is idea is BRAND new or old enough ?

    How can you think of USCIS going back to something that doesnt exist any more (Fraud is diff story) , Admin Fix is for something that is existing, and in hands of USCIS. per law ppl ported dates and it is valid at that time.. Per law ppl can still port dates from EB3 to EB2 or earlier dates in the same category. Admin Fix cant back date the LAW. Simple common sense. You can keep clogging ... Instead we can work on the same energy for Recap.

    Are you going to followup with USCIS that It shouldnt let ppl port from EB3 to EB2? L1,L2 Getting quickly ? I dont want to waste my time on EB3 Vs EB2 Vs EB1 Vs L1 Vs L2.. Lets aim at one thing that helps all and its a jackpot that is achievable for us...


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  • santb1975
    11-27 11:24 PM
    Thank you. That makes it $1181 so far

    Just sent in $50 to donations@immigrationvoice.org thru paypal.

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  • dupedinjuly
    07-17 09:22 PM
    Hats off to IV core for sowing the seeds of today, 2 years ago. All the effort and sacrifice has come to fruition. Also, IV has got great media attention and has become a force to reckon with. Lets Party tonight.


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  • Legal
    07-10 01:30 PM
    I doubt if such a lawsuit will have legal merit- something that only attorneys can answer.

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  • sodh
    07-08 04:47 AM
    Please tell me the color as i would be delighted to send flowers that suit the occasion.


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  • krishjack
    07-05 03:37 PM
    Where do you get the special coupon?

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  • anilsal
    09-07 11:15 PM
    Jobs in America is for Americans. If at all it gets outsourced to your country then it is yours. But as long as that job is in my country, I will defend it and not let some Strive or Skill act take it away from me.

    How did you assume that our IV members do not have the will to gather together and ask for what they desire?

    This IV community will show you at the DC rally and in the future.

    You and your so called followers of an antiquated philosophy should read my signature below.


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  • amitjoey
    07-05 07:49 PM
    The media needs to know, I do not have any idea how.

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  • nogc_noproblem
    07-17 08:21 PM
    Thanks for all your time, effort and help.

    Just ontributed $100

    Google Order #918834620800187


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  • reedandbamboo
    09-11 09:31 PM
    I was just thinking and then this came up on me . How about sending a poster along with the letter campaign. I can contribute atleast four posters. They do not have to be full size posters ..can be just A4 size pamphlets kinds. We can just print them in color printer and send them along with the letters. These posters may make it to the press also as they will be funny and spicy for news. Actually, we can send copy of our letters to press as well along with our posters. If we make about 10 such posters, we can send one random poster along with the letter.
    Something like :
    feel free to edit and make better.


    Hats off for your efforts! I was about to suggest adding "We want accountability" to the posters when I saw it in the last one .. maybe these words should be in CAPS, "JUSTICE" "ACCOUNTABILITY" etc.. ?

    Good job!

    Lets now draw up a list of persons/media outlets/organizations to send them to.

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  • vkallank
    07-17 11:08 PM
    Thanks IV Core team for your determined and unselfish acts. The foundation and example set out by the core team, is a proof that we can achieve even the impossible if we all stand together. Thanks to all IV members for their contributions, fruit of which we are enjoying today.

    Hence forth let us all strive together in our common goals and good luck to everyone aspiring for their GC.

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  • I_Luv_GC
    07-17 07:29 PM
    Congratulations to everyone...and especially IV Core Team..You guys really ROCK...This acheivement wouldn't be possible without your dedicated hard work..I can't thank enough for your extraordinary efforts for this great accomplishment...Our good wishes and contributions will always be with you in all your future efforts..

    11-18 04:22 PM
    Please contribute

    08-25 02:56 PM
    Can you please post the USCIS link to the revised bulletin memo that you printed out?
