Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

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  • santb1975
    11-16 12:38 AM
    This holiday season lets take the time to thank IV for all the successes we have had so far and for all the hardwork that has been put into this cause. Let's make a Holiday contribution to IV. Please join me in this effort. Let's all contribute. Cheers

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  • belmontboy
    04-14 04:28 PM
    Nope it is not good
    Why do STEM graduates have to have it the easy way while we have it hard. The least the STEM graduate can do is wait for 2 years for visa

    Now you are telling the real reason :)

    2 yrs wait?? Its been 4 yrs and yet to file 485

    Fortunately you are one among the minorities that oppose this proposal. I am glad that IV has this proposal as part of its agenda

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  • malibuguy007
    03-06 06:04 PM
    I think we are getting close to $3K - let us keep the momentum going.

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  • abhijitp
    11-28 03:28 PM
    The question in the title of this post is for the user who gave me a red dot for "selling the July VB reversal"

    I am going to re-iterate, for I firmly believe I owe my ability to file AOS to this organization!

    If you too saved thousands of dollars owing to the VB reversal... this is the least you can and should do to help yourself to a GC, a few years sooner than otherwise.

    Contribute funds now to IV!
    Sign up for monthly contributions (preferred), or contribute one time!


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  • santb1975
    11-21 11:59 PM
    I was thinking of typing up an email and sending it to the state chapter leaders to post on their Forums. It would be nice to type instructions on how to donate less than 100$..

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  • sugaur
    12-09 03:07 PM
    Sugaur, here, try some history:

    [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican%E2%80%93American_War]Mexican–American War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/url

    There are far more complex issues/mindsets involved as to why people do what they do. Placing yourself "in their shoes" and analyzing is not good enough in this context. Your analogies of breaking and entering a house/raiding your fridge are incomplete/shallow and hopefully you will change your perspective after reading the history between these two countries.
    Nevertheless, it is what it is today in terms of geographical distribution of land and I am not suggesting, Mexicans have rights over California/Texas.

    So why bring it up at all? l have lived in Texas in hispanic majority communities. I havent met any who want california or texas to be a part of mexico. If we start bringing history into it, then the only people who should be here are the native americans.

    What I am suggesting is that motivations for what people do can vary a lot and folks like you and I who come here on H1/F1 or whatever after completing our fancy degrees, can never understand certain ground realities.

    You are wrong. The CHIEF motivation which brings you and me here AND the mojority of illegals is the same, the chance of economic prosperity and a better life. Even illegals will admit this. They dont come here because they think it belongs to them. Every nation has a right to make and enforce its immigration laws and every prospective immigrant has a duty to follow those. Immigration to the US is a privilege, not a right.

    Looking everything via a legal/illegal magnifying glass can get you only so far. Basic respect for human life is extremely important without which there will be no difference between us and barbarians.
    She got all the medical care she needed, on tax payer money. That is showing respect to human rights. How about her duty to follow the law of the land?

    As you have started going this route of discussing the merits/demerits of this case and comparing with our situation, I would strongly recommend to let this go. You and I and many others here, do not have the knowledge of discussing these complex issues.

    You insist on making it sound more complex than it is. It really isnt. Whats right is right and whats wrong is wrong.

    The sheriff's treatment of illegals has little to do with law and order and has more to do with his personal hatred for Hispanics. It is documented where the Sheriff has made statements to the affect of calling these folks animals, disease carrying, who smell and dress up like animals etc.

    This is propaganda. In this country no one can get away with doing what you claim he does. Shackling a pregnant woman when she is delivering is another example of the same attitude. You condoning that fact by statements like "woman is perfectly capable of delivering with a leg shackled" is just pathetic. It is not always about your 'legality/illegality' or your brilliant career or fantastic green card. Just pathetic.

    What is pathetic is your blindness to discern right from wrong.


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  • krupa
    05-10 03:22 PM
    Immigration Voice should take up this issue with USCIS. Those who came to US after 2007 should get PD of the date they applied for transfer of Labor OR applied for 140. Other wise it is abuse of law.

    I am reviving this old thread because it was created by me, and it is highly relevant now. I predicted last month that EB2-I will become "U" soon, and it has happened (almost).

    The quick way out of this mess is to ask CIS to move subst labor folks back in the queue. That will ensure that both EB3-I and EB2-I will move forward to July 07. Most of the labor substitution took place in that month itself.

    This is an admin fix and does not require any new legislature. This is an idea whose time has come.

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  • Milind123
    09-07 10:46 PM
    Numbers are the only thing that matter................wrong again.

    alterego - Good counter point on the numbers thing.

    Sheman - Think Rosa Parks (only one person). It the bus was empty that day, we certainly would be in a different world.


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  • hmo
    07-17 08:21 PM
    excellent work!

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  • paskal
    12-18 09:05 PM
    sorry for the slight diversion...sw32 i see you are in mn
    please do confirm if you are by posting on the mn members thread or in the mn chapter thread under the chapters forum
    Thanks much for contributing!


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  • dtekkedil
    07-05 02:05 PM
    We will each individually send flowers to Emilio Gonzalez to be delivered July 10th. There is a suggestion to use a paypal account where we contribute money. However no one has come forward to take over the account so far.

    The theme of the note attached to the flowers should be Sympathy or Get well.

    Preferred Message(Sympathy): All the best for future Employment Based visa estimates

    I do like the "Get Well: Hope USCIS recovers from its insanity" message as well

    July 07th - Last day to mail flowers (I doubt if they can deliver on Tuesday if we order on Monday)
    July 08th - Draft the letter to be mailed to media.
    July 09th - Finalize the letter and mass mail it to every media email addresses we have.
    July 10th - hope the media take the bait!

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  • needhelp!
    03-09 01:26 PM
    This is a great addition to the site. Waiting for it to turn all green.


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  • play2win
    04-19 05:48 PM
    http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=138b6138f898d010VgnVCM10000048f3d6a1RCR D&vgnextchannel=91919c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1 RCRD

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  • ItIsNotFunny
    03-06 03:57 PM
    I will contribute $25.

    How to contribute? I have a regular payment going out to IV. How to ensure this one goes to this separate bucket and not mixed with the general contributions.

    If this has been discussed in the middle of this thread - please consider updating the first post with the info so that we don't have to dig through pages of discussions to find it.


    I am still in process of finalizing how to collect money for this. I and Pappu are discussing possible solutions and will come out with something soon.

    Please vote above to pledge. I will go through this list once account is created to follow up.


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  • krishnankai
    04-10 07:45 PM
    I'm not sure if I'm eligible to apply for Master's quota. I'm done with all my degree requirements and I've scheduled my thesis defence on MAy 20th. Is it still possible that I can apply in Master's quota. I've a letter from my schools which states that I'm done with all my degree requirements and I'll be finishing thesis on May 20th. Is this letter enough to apply for MAsters??

    you need a letter from the registrar saying that you will get the diploma dated mm/dd/yyyy - for which i think the thesis should be complete.

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  • santb1975
    12-02 12:52 PM
    Thankyou. I will post the total everyday

    go9459: Thanks a lot, you raised the bar.

    santb1975: Try to post a running total end of every day. I was thinking to donate $50 for every $2500 raised through this thread. Last donation must have touched first $2500, here you go with my 2nd $50 thru paypal. check my PM for limits and details.


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  • texanguy
    08-21 06:19 PM

    did you paperfile for EAD or was it E-file?

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  • genius
    04-29 07:02 PM
    i got an RFE from USCIS for my appln.Does that mean my appln is in the cap already?or only after the requred info is provided to them?
    Applied under MS Cap ,regular processing.

    Thanks in advance!

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  • kshitijnt
    05-10 03:52 PM
    Dont shoot in the dark without knowing the facts.

    11-26 03:04 PM
    in contributions after we started this thread. Let's prove our Financial muscle. Please contribute

    09-08 01:47 PM
    ...that this thread is an act of an inside man (within IV) to spark enthu among members. Whatever it is...itz working !!! :)

    BINGO!!! :D
    From the very first post I felt that (including the title of the thread ;) )
    No wonder the guy's not getting banned inspite of his attacks on the core effort right now - THE RALLY.

    Anyway, its working. :)